Розглянуто особливості поширення міжнародних виробничих мереж на східну та центральну Європу, зокрема у автомобілебудівному комплексі, текстильній промисловості й у виробництві електроприладів і складових до них. Роль ПІІ та ВВП на душу населення у формуванні міжнародних виробничих мереж.
The special features of international production networks’ dissemination on Central East Europe were considered, particularly in car industry, textile sector of economy and production of electricity. The role of FDI and GDP per capita in forming of international production networks was considered.
Повний текст:
Building Production Networks in Central Europe: The Case of the Electronics Industry Greg Linden, Working Paper 126, July 1998. - P. 39.
European Union foreign direct investment yearbook 2006. Data 19992004 European Communities, 2006. - P. 137.
International production networks in the auto industry: Central and Eastern Europe as the low end of the west European car complex, Rob van Tulder and Winfried Ruigrok. - P. 36.
Integrating Central and Eastern Europe in the European Trade and Production Network, Francoise Lemoine, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (University of California, Berkeley) Year 1998 Paper BRIEWP107. - P. 50.
German Production Networks in Central/Eastern Europe Between Dependency and Globalisation Julie Pellegrin, January 1999. - P. 38.
How Do We Define Value Chains and Production Networks? Timothy J. Sturgeon Massachusetts Institute of Technology Background Paper Prepared for the Bellagio Value Chains Workshop, September 25 - October 1, 2000. - P. 22.
Report on international investment in Europe 2006 Issue - Overview, May, 31. - P. 25.
Tales from the ‘Global ’ Economy: Cross National Production Networks and the Re-organization of the European Economy John Zysman, Eileen Doherty, Andrew Schwartz, June 1996. - P. 58.
The electronics industry in Central and Eastern Europa: a new global production location, Slavo Radosevic. - P. 15.
What location advantages do MNE research subsidiaries in Europe value highest? by Lee Davis, Department of International Economics and Management Copenhagen Business School Paper presented to the DRUID Summer Workshop, Rebild, Denmark, 15-17 June 2000. - P. 26.
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